WeBid Installer v1.2.1

URL The url & location of the webid installation on your server. It's usually best to leave these as they are.
Also if your running on windows at the end of the Doument Root there should be a \\ (double backslash)
Doument Root
Email Address The admin email address
Database Host The location of your MySQL database in most cases its just localhost
Database Username The username, password and database name of the database your installing webid on
Database Password
Database Name
Database Prefix the prefix of the webid tables in the database, used so you can install multiple scripts in the same database without issues.
Import Default Categories Leaving this checked is recommened. But you make want to uncheck it if your auction site is a specalist niche and will need custom catergories.

File Checks:
cache/:Found, Writable
uploaded/:Found, Writable
uploaded/banners/:Found, Writable
uploaded/cache/:Found, Writable
includes/config.inc.php.new:Found, Writable
includes/membertypes.inc.php:Found, Writable
language/EN/categories.inc.php:Found, Writable
language/EN/categories_select_box.inc.php:Found, Writable
GD Support:Found
BC Math Support:Found
PHP Data Objects Support:Found
File Info:Found
PHP Version: (8.1.31)OK